Monday, August 15, 2022


I'll put the pictures first this week as temptation to be lazy and not read the email:



First and most important is the subject of banana-cola. Me and Eski invented a new great flavor of coke. You already have vanilla and cherry coke, but now get ready for BANANA COKE. Banana juice is available in abundance in stores here and it is super tasty. One evening while hanging back at the house we were drinking both coke, and banana juice, and decided to combine the two. It was kinda like the pilk (pepsi milk) mentality but it turned out way better. I'm probably gonna have to start selling this stuff across the border.

This week was good though. Went by super quick and we got a lot done. We are just trying to meet all of the members for elder esquivel so he can be really familiar with the area before I head out. We've got some time still, but the sooner he gets the hang of things the better. The members love the guy as we would expect. He is a tall, blond, muscular, and happy american. President really is making it up to the city of Lushnjë after condemning them to be cared for by me of all people the last 6 months. I'm sure they grew a lot from it. 

Besnik loves the guy too. For the first time ever, he fed us cantaloupe instead of watermelon. It was insane. Breaking tradition one cantaloupe at a time. Cantaloupe is so good here I could literally just eat a whole cantaloupe every meal.

We had zone conference again which was dope. I wasn't finding any pictures besides a couple I did myself, but we didn't do many anyways. Our camera tech man wasn't there so you can't expect much from the rest of us haha. Zone conference was super good though as always. I love spending time with the other missionaries and just learning from them. A big reason I was called to serve here was definitely because I need to learn all these lessons from these guys. 

We also made some good meals this week because we wanna be healthy. Its bulking season up in here again but this time we are eating more than just chicken, eggs, and pasta. We've been hitting the workouts hard and making gourmet meals in the evenings. One of these said meals was chicken pot pie. The only casualties were eski's finger and the floor. We chillin tho. Chicken pot pie was fire. I'm actually about to eat some of the leftovers right now and I'm stoked. 

Well, have a good week everyone! Love you all!

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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...