Monday, August 29, 2022

Holy crap my feet hurt but it was so worth it

WOOHOO I did the coolest thing ever today. A little over a month ago me and some bros decided to hike mount tomorri, which is a very prominent and tall mountain which can be seen from all of central albania. We ended up taking quite a few wrong turns and didnt quite make it to the top unfortunately. Anyways, me and some other bros returned today, and this time, we MADE it. Or 3 of us did. The other 2 stayed down lower. It was amazing. So incredibly beautiful and exhilarating. Summits are the coolest. It was also probably the hardest hike I have ever been on. Not only is there not much of a trail most of the time, but the trail that does exist is steep as frick. My calves have never hurt so bad, but again, it was so worth it. We also had to add an extra 3 miles onto the beginning and end of our trip because the road is terrible and all we got is a little hyundai accent. In total we hiked 16 miles and gained/descended about 6000 feet in 8 hours. It's unbelievable that we actually pulled that off. We were hauling butt even though it hurt bad. You gotta do what you gotta do when you need to be back down to work in your areas at 6. To make things even more exciting, not 20 minutes after leaving the peak, it started dumping tons of cold rain and hail on us. Lots of loud thunder. Classic mountaineering experience. Just didn't think I'd get it on the mission.

Anyways, me and Eski have been cranking here in Lushnjë. Getting some good village manual labor done as well. It's been awesome and a whole lot of an adventure. Elder Esquivel is probably one of the greatest guys I know and it's been a privilege to serve with him again. 

Well, saturday night president decided he wanted to surprise us with yet another transfer call. After some suspense while we pulled the car over, he let us know that I would be transferred to serve in Limassol and Paphos, Cyprus. Definitely unexpected we could say. I will be flying to Cyprus on Saturday so thankfully I will have most of this week to enjoy my last bit of Lushnjë. These people have really made an impact on me, and these last 7 months have gotten me really used to the small city life. But, now it's on to the next big thing. My new companion in Cyprus will be Elder Nilsson which is dope because I actually know him. We both did Williamsburg throughout high school, and though we never spent a lot of time together ourselves, we have quite a few mutual friends. Should be dope. I'll give a thorough report of Cyprus and how it's treating me next week. After all I will have been there 2 days so I'll be an expert.

Well, I need to sleep so my body can recover from the 8 hour backpacking trip we did today. Take care everyone!

Lushnje Week 26

Lushnje Week 27

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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...