Monday, February 13, 2023

Vibing With Martin & Now I've Visited All 5 Countries?!?!

Don't pay this email being subjected as if it's clickbait. Everything happens for a reason, we just don't always know why. I also just want to state before I start writing this too thoroughly that I've been feeling very illiterate in every language as of late, so hopefully this email can become a spectacle of entertainment on that front. Long live bad grammar and brain dead missionary Jacob. Amen.

It's been a vibe though. I think it's been two weeks since I last wrote? I have more of a habit of not writing emails now than writing them so I really couldn't tell you. 4 emails in 10 weeks ain't too shabby I'd say. Anyways, I'm glad to be back. I gotta keep you all informed on how things are so you don't lose interest in my existence and I won't be forced to come home from the mission lonely. 

Since getting back from Athens the pattern has been as such: Have a cool pday with the homies in Tirana, go to the office and try and grind through whatever tasks we've been given, have meetings with the Burdons over the missionaries and transfers, have our weekly work day and invite Martin the dopest human on the Earth to come and join us in our finding and teaching efforts, leave Saturday to drive President and Sister to a distant part of the northern countries for branch conference somewhere and have a dope exchange with the elders there. Repeat.

The only thing that was really an interruption to this pattern in the last 2 weeks is that a small transfer of sorts has been decided. My dear and beloved companion Elder Washburn is leaving me :(( That's an L for sure. The man is going to Athens to start working on opening that area officially for Albanian speakers! Very fresh indeed so I'm excited for him. You are probably wondering as well who my new companion is, and the answer is that I'm not getting a new companion at all. Elder Esquivel will be joining me once again hahahaha. Third times the charm baby! Should be mega fun

This weekend for branch conference we traveled up to Skopje in Macedonia, which means I've officially made it to all 5 mission countries. Mega cool that. We've been hanging out with the Macedonian elders since and they are so fresh. We've been having a blast. We spent all of pday today in Skopje and we'll finish our official exchange tomorrow before returning to Tirana to send Elder Washburn on his way. We got to go on a cold boat ride up a windy mountain reservoir and explore a cave and then we got to climb the massive cross above the city. It was so dang cold. Anyways, enjoy those pictures!



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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...