Monday, April 10, 2023

Down to One

LIFE IS GOOD! So yeah I think it's been 2 months or so since I last wrote one of these. Yall are gonna have so many photo albums to look through at the bottom of this hahaha. So much stuff has gone down that it's not even worth it to try and catch you guys up so I think I'll just mention some highlights. If you care to know more there are definitely some stories to be told in the weekly photo albums below hahaha. One of the weeks was so uneventful that I literally had 0 photos and therefore that album doesn't exist. I don't even think I could tell you what happened that week if I wanted to hahaha it was probably just random busywork in the office or something like that. Anyways, I am still in Tirana with my brotha Esquivel. He's a mega dawg and so we've been having a good time. I'll try and share a few of the highlights from the last couple months but there's no way I'm gonna get all of it. Life is just so sporadic as an assistant for real. All your routines and habits go to crap when you're picking new missionaries up at midnight and then dropping the departing ones off 3 hours later that same night lol but we still do our best to keep some good habits and have good studies and workouts and all that jazz. It's overall been a really good time though even though it's been so crazy. I've had a lot of quality experiences and made a lot of memories, so let's hop into a couple if you're interested.

First off you should all know that being in mission leadership just means tons of conferences. Seeing as our mission has 5 countries in it, having conferences for each zone means a ton of travel and also exchanges with the other missionaries which can be really fresh. Of the 8 weeks since I've last written, 3 were spent in Greece and Cyprus for zone and elders conferences with exchanges sprinkled in between each. In those 3 weeks, we hit every single area in those 2 countries hahaha. Our first week down there we stayed the weekend in Greece for church, so we flew up to Thessaloniki to have an exchange and pday with the elders there. When we were in Cyprus there was a travel strike in Athens which cancelled our flights and caused us to stay yet another weekend which gave us time to do exchanges with each elder companionship on the island. That was mega fresh because Elder Koch was in Cyprus at the time and he competes for the top spot as the most entertaining person I've ever met. I did however get a bad sore throat which was super sad because then I couldn't eat at my favorite restaurant... Chick-In Tenders... That place is honestly heaven and I was very sad when I was trying to swallow those tenders and all that came was pain. It's all in the past now though and I've let it go. :'( After those two weeks we were back in the north countries for a bit until this last week when we flew down to Crete on Tuesday to have an exchange with the elders that just recently opened that as an area for missionary work - mega cool. That exchange pooled into the beginning of the south countries elders conference in Athens where we had 2 days of laser tag, football, group finding and touching testimonies. Super epic week to be honest. Other than those south conferences we had 3 zone conferences in the north and also a mission leadership council - mega busy for sure but we managed to snag a fresh exchange with the macedonian zone leaders over general conference. Maybe that gives you an idea of what our life looks like or maybe it doesn't, regardless yup that's a lot of what we've done.

Another couple things happened that were really cool this weekend: First, on Saturday for the first time ever I got to meet Martin's family. They are so amazing. His mom is also one of the best cooks ever and she made us a 5-course meal. We were in heaven and it was so so cool. If nothing else came from my mission, I'm at least grateful I got to meet Martin because he is such a legend. Of course other cool and good stuff has happened on the mission and I can see that, but Martin kinda overshadows all of that sometimes hahahaha. Another mega random thing that really took me off guard happened yesterday at church. I was just chilling in the chapel welcoming members and friends into church in Tirana with Martin and Everaldo and in walks Ashlyn Erickson. I don't think anything less expected could've happened in that moment honestly I was so unbelievably confused hahaha. Ashlyn is a good friend back from the early day of high school at Williamsburg. We had been at some dope rock climbing camps together and I had to take a second to actually make sure she was who I thought she was because I have not seen Ashlyn in like 5 years. Super super strange seeing a williamsburger in my ward on my mission. The thing is that oftentimes I'm not even in my assigned ward on Sunday because we travel and she didn't even know where exactly in Albania I was serving so it just happened to work out that way and freaked me out hahah. God is kinda sus.

Anyways, I know that's not a whole lot of stories but I don't want to bore you guys with more long paragraphs. I will address the title of the email though and say that this next week starts my last transfer as a missionary which is totally insane. I've already had to say goodbye to the south missionaries as I won't be seeing them again before I go. Pretty freaking sad actually because I love those guys. I will be transferred to a new area next Tuesday or Wednesday I believe but I can't tell yall where at this current point in time because none of the other missionaries know transfers yet. I'll try to get an email in within the next couple weeks so that you find out - or you can just check my Facebook next week because I'll probably update where I live. Just a thought. One more area. One more companion. One more transfer. Time is so weird hahaha but it'll be good to get back with all of you wherever you may be and reconnect a little - I hope I didn't forget you lol I almost didn't know who Ashlyn was. Missions destroy your memory. 

Anyways, enjoy the mass photo albums.

Elder Millsap

Tirana Week 11

Tirana Week 12

Tirana Week 14 (Greece Cyprus Week 3)

Tirana Week 15 (Greece Cyprus Week 4)

Tirana Week 16

Tirana Week 17

Tirana Week 18 (Greece Cyprus Week 5)

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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...