Monday, December 5, 2022

The Fall of the Fortress - The Rise of the Tree

HALLO welcome back everyone. 

Pogradec has treated me well in so many ways. First of all, starting off December there was the perfect Christmas winter vibe because it's actually cold. Rocking jackets and my newly acquired flannel has been the norm. Everyone in Pogi also uses woodburning stoves to heat their houses/apartments so after about 4 PM every day there is just a super heavy scent of smoke throughout the whole city. I love it because it gives me the vibes of living up in the mountains in a log cabin. Too many cars for that though. 

Work has been solid. The other elders in Pogradec work a lot more with the members and such, so we've been able to just focus on finding and teaching our current friends. The Albanian people are so clutch. Also the food. Missed that. We don't do a lot of door knocking in our mission, but we also decided to go out and do that one day a couple times and that was fun haha. Took me back to my days in sales, but this time in another language so that was hype and definitely kept things exciting. At least this way I can't accidentally sell them a new residential garbage contract. We also had a dope branch party for the joint Albanian independence day and the Pogradec branch's 7th anniversary, and then we had a ping pong tournament on Saturday. Fun stuff. Albanian youth are pretty weird sometimes, but it's usually a good time anyways. 

But now let's get to the stuff you're really here for shall we? Yes, sadly, the massive living room fort did fall. We had to take it down on Saturday, but it was for a good cause believe me. Last week I mentioned that we had been pounding fanta exotic. Well, this week we finally pounded enough to start on our project. After getting home on Thursday night, we began our construction process.

This construction continued over the next 3 days during lunch hour and after getting home in the evening, 

and we finally finished our masterpiece Saturday night. Man, I've never been prouder of my handiwork. Drinking 325 cans for this was so worth it. I'm honestly still surprised we found enough cardboard.

We decked it out with lights and missionary tags after too for funsies, so you can enjoy those extra pictures in the usual album I'll include at the bottom. Plus you can see random stuff from the week too and maybe start to believe that I actually do work as a missionary. 

Anyways, yes the fort did come down, but only because we wanted to be able to proudly put this monstrosity up in the living room. It stands at a whopping 7 1/2 feet tall and is 3 1/2 feet wide at the base. We made 13 individual layers of cans and it took flipping forever, especially on the last few, but God is good and we came through in the end just before I had to leave. 

I'm actually writing you guys this from Tirana and I'm now companions with my bro Elder Washburn. He's a legend. We just spent the evening making a light the world video for the churchs facebook page in Albania and it was hilarious. I cry and he gives me takis from his secret stash. It should be a good companionship. I'll probably be with him another 2 transfers and chances are, I'll be here another 2 after that, which leaves me dying here in Tirana. Little sad and weird to think that I'm likely in my last area, but the next 6 months will be fire I'm sure. 

Oh yeah we also had a mission tour this week and Elder Alliaud from the general seventies came and visited us. Very cool and good to see everyone there from the northern countries. I missed my homies. 

Anyways, have a great week you guys! Love you all!


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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...