Monday, November 28, 2022

Paskam ftohte! Keshtjella e Pogradecit - we are vibing so hard


Things are so so so so so so so good. 

I flew into Albania on Tuesday and lowkey it was the roughest weather and turbulence and landing I've ever had on a flight in my life but we are alive so it's all good. Albania is wet and cold, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world right now. I might cry when I go home.

I'm serving in the mountain lake city of Pogradec and its frickin cold. Its been 40 degrees with piercing wind and that is a big change from temperate Cyprus. It's been fun to wear sweaters and flannels though so that's fresh. All we need now is the snow and things are perfect. I'm also here in an apartment with 3 other elders and it's so dope. We've been vibing so hard. Theres also a really cool senior couple here - The Hansens - and it's honestly the dream area. To help you guys get the idea, I'll describe the experience I had in arriving at our apartment wednesday morning. Keep in mind, I've been in this house before on exchanges when I was in Elbasan, so I wasn't really expecting to see much because I was already familiar with the place. Holy crap was I wrong. I walked into the house and turned the corner, and discovered that the homies were the homies maximum. In front of my eyes, stood a large, glorious, unfathomably magnificent structure made of blankets and flags. It fills the entire living room guys. It's a big living room! And I can stand in it! I know that's not saying a lot BUT ITS STILL COOL! All 4 of our matresses are inside as our cozy surface and we may or may not have slept in it all week. We also have a little tv with a chromecast Elder Wheeler bought so that we can watch book of mormon videos at night while we pound fanta exotic and vibe flippin hard. We're all so motivated to work our butts off because we know we have amazing things waiting for us back at the house at the end of the day. It's so awesome. 

I'm also serving in the same house as the one and only Elder Rich. He is amazing. He came in the group before me so his albanian is baller. We've been talking probably 80% shqip and it's been waaay good for my language because I haven't spoken it for so long. That and the massive fort were definitely the weekly highlights. I'm in heaven you guys.

Yknow how I said weve been pounding fanta exotic? Well let's just say we bought an additional 120 cans of it tonight and we've already got a pile of 180. They will be used for a certain unmentioned project that I will reveal next week. Stay tuned but enjoy the pictures of the grumbullim fanta ekzotikesh.

You also know how I said I've been having a really good time? Well it was short lived. I literally got another transfer call yesterday. I'll be transferred up to the capital of Tirana next week :(( big sad. Thankfully I still have this full week and a little bit of next. Big bummer because I've always wanted to serve in Pogradec, but hey, the Lord knows where I'm needed and I'm at least happy for this little buffer I've gotten with these legends here. It's been really, and I mean REALLY good for my emotional health hahaha I'm having the time of my life. 

But yeah that's pretty much all I've got to say. Enjoy the pictures and videos. There's lots of fort and fanta related ones hahaha. 

I LOVE YOU GUYS! SEND ME EMAILS (or messages on Facebook that works too) I MISS YALL


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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...