Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Moving Up In the World?

A pleasure it is to be writing to you all once again. I'm pretty short on time this week so I will keep it nice and brief. 

The main thing to note is that I transferred! I am now serving in Elbasan with Elder Rowley as a zone leader. If you aren't sure what that is, it just means that you are kind of in charge of keeping the zone of missionaries in check, doing trainings, making sure the companionships are doing okay, etc.  It's got a lot of perks for sure. For instance, one thing we get to do is do exchanges with all of the elders in the zone. This means that we are now able to travel to all the far corners of the zone in order to work with different companionships for about a day and Albania is beautiful so that's pretty hype. We should be heading over to Pogradec this week which will be sick. Another perk is that I inherited a really comfortable zone leader robe. Kinda weird but I've grown to really like it. Pictures do feature it. 

This week had some really good stuff as well. I've just been adjusting to the area trying to meet members and stuff, but in the meantime we had a mission tour with Elder De Feo! He is the Europe area president in the church and he taught us some great things. Basically, we had two 2 hour sessions of this mission tour over zoom which basically was just some incredible messages from this guy for multiple hours in total. He talked a lot about how everyone on earth receives unconditional blessings from God because he loves us. But, on the other hand there are conditional blessings we can receive by doing what God asks us. These conditional blessings can be referred to as power. We can receive power to become more and resist the attacks of the adversary when we do what God commands us, and we receive especially great power when we keep the covenants we have made with God as well. It was a great reminder to me that I need to be mindful myself of the covenants (or promises) that I have made to God in my life and particularly in the temple. Remembering what we have promised and keeping those promises can and will give us immense power over our lives and will give us that same power as well the bless the lives of those around us as well! I'd honestly love to just share everything this man said to us in here, but there's no way my writings could portray the significance of the message. Elder De Feo truly is an incredible man though. I am so grateful to have learned from him. 

Something that I love about Elbasan: CHURCH! I got to just sit and enjoy a sacrament meeting and Sunday school for the first time in over 4 months! That is something I truly took for granted and I'm so glad to have it back. It is also great to fully understand everything *usually* said in Albanian in church as well! The gift of tongues is siiiiick.

Okay you guys are the bomb. I promise I'll write a better email next week! Pafshim!


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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...