Monday, December 20, 2021

Car Pune, Sickness, and Throwing a Party

Hello, and welcome back to the Monday morning talk show. Our exclusive Albanian based channel is the only place where you can get an experience completely and solely focused on the missionary efforts of the one and only Elder Millsap while he works to become a better person and serve the people of Elbasan, Albania. 

As you will see by the upcoming footage, this week was a slower one for our dear Elder. He spent quite a lot of time working on the little tasks that had piled up over the last long while with other missionaries. One thing of importance, is that our Elbasan elders were asked to help prepare the Elbasan chapel for a large Christmas gathering that was had on Saturday. Any attempts to decorate the church for the party were thwarted during the week by some deep cleaning workers that were there. Therefore, any decorating did not happen until late Friday afternoon, a mere 24 hours before this said party would begin. Regardless, our fearless elders did what they could including cutting out snowflakes, taping tinsel above doors, figuring out how to make a Christmas tree stay upright on a broken stand (a special thank you to sisters Green and Smith there), and overall having a lack of materials to decorate with to add to the challenge. The decorating finished approximately an hour and a half before the party, and the elders then immediately began to set up the building for hosting a large number of individuals from the many branches of South Albania. This happened to include making 3 giant pots of hot chocolate from scratch, but this time, they had the help of the assistants to the president which made the experience quite a bit more enjoyable for our Elder Millsap. Against all odds, the Christmas party was a slam dunk success that many people enjoyed. All went well and when everyone left, the elders of Elbasan were left to clean everything up. 

Another highlight of Elder Millsaps week was their journeyings to Tirana and back. Due to transfers and some repairs being made to the car they use, the elders of Elbasan dropped their vehicle off in the shop on Tuesday, got dropped off without their car the same day in Elbasan, and then took a bus up to Tirana the old fashioned way on Thursday to retrieve it. To make the experience even more enjoyable Elder Rowley decided it would be a great idea to catch a very bad cold. This in turn meant that they spent most of their days of Wednesday and Thursday at home so that Elder Rowley could recover. But, on the bright side, Elder Millsap was able to get in some great practice on a guitar he had inherited from the one and only Elder Garrett when he finished his mission and made the long journey home early in the week. Elder Millsap has enjoyed this guitar quite a lot and hopes to improve greatly in his skills over the course of his mission. 

That's about all folks! Our staff here at Monday morning talk show would like to wish all of you and your families a very merry Christmas this week! Tune in next week to hear how Christmas is in the Adriatic South Mission and enjoy the footage featured below!


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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...