Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Zone Conference and Becoming Batman

Howdy folks. Sorry this email is coming in late again! We definitely ran out of time yesterday. All is good though and another life-changing week has gone by. That's not an understatement either! Every single day I can feel my growth and development as a person. Regardless of whether or not I'm having a bad day, I can look back and see God's hand in things out here and it just fills me with so much gratitude. For those of you who are still contemplating serving missions, I can say hands down that this has been the best decision of my life. It's so hard, but I have been happier than I have ever been before. I'm having all sorts of adventures and meeting all sorts of amazing people. All I'm gonna say is that I highly recommend it! 

Alright this email is gonna be fairly brief because we need to get cranking on our missionary work for the day. A lot of good stuff has happened this last week, but a big highlight was definitely zone conference for all the northern countries. For those of you who aren't familiar with the composition of the missionaries here, that's probably around 80% of all the missionaries in the entire mission. It was such a party and I was able to meet quite a few other missionaries that I hadn't yet which was awesome. I have said this before, but I'm going to say it again because that's how grateful I am for it: The missionaries here are some of the coolest people I've ever met. They're all powerhouses and legends and I feel so blessed to be able to serve alongside all of them. This zone conference was incredibly edifying and fun and was just exactly what I needed at the time. The next 21 months are going to be so incredible. We did take a big group picture, but I can't seem to get my hands on a copy that's not super blurry. Sorry bout that. I do have pictures with my MTC district though outside of 1 of the 2 LDS chapels in all of Albania. Pretty fun.

Another weird and crazy update: our district leader got surprise transfers into the mission office as an assistant to the president, so we found ourselves lacking there. To everyone's surprise, Elder Basham and I got a call from President and now apparently I am the district leader. Super crazy and cool and slightly overwhelming but that's alright. I'll learn a ton from it I'm sure! Being district leader just means that I'm in charge of checking in on the other 6 missionaries in our district, leading trainings each week at district counsel, and conducting baptismal interviews. That last one is pretty intimidating but I'm sure I'll be able to manage pretty well if I have the sheet of questions in Albanian in front of me haha.

Facebook finding works! We now have a new friend here in Gjirokastër that I found on Facebook a few weeks ago! We met in person for the first time on Sunday and had some great introductions. He speaks perfect English which is super nice and he's probably the most accomplished Albanian I've met so far (Which is saying something because he's 17). We're super excited to keep meeting with him.

For P-Day we met up with the district (and Lushnje) and saw some cool Greek ruins! Very cool stuff and there's lots of pictures I've gotten from everyone in the album. We also happened upon some communist tunnels that we decided to explore which turned out to be full of 100s of bats. We kind of disturbed their peace and getting out of the tunnels was a bunch of fun to say the least. Let us hope that the 4 of us in there don't get sick now haha. There are videos included of course.

Thanks for being awesome guys! Love you!


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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...