Tuesday, August 17, 2021

NASCAR Driver In Training

Si je?
Si jeni?
Si kaluat?
Si kalove?
Si ke kaluar?
Si keni kaluar?
Si po kalon?
Si po kaloni?
Si ke qenë?
Si keni qenë?
Ça ke bërë?
Ça keni bërë?
Ça bëre? 
Ça bën? 
Ça po bën? 
Ça po bëni? 
Ça bët?
Ça bërët?

If you don't know what I'm asking, don't worry. The answer is always "mirë".

Okay so this week was a little bit whack for sure. It went by so unbelievably fast and I honestly don't even really know what happened. It was definitely hard to stay focused at times this week, because Elder Basham and I had multiple visits to the hospital *still* trying to figure out what is wrong with his feet and hands. We think we finally have got something today, but we will have to see how this medication does. Things would definitely be a lot nicer if we could just focus on our work. 

With the lack of focus aside though, this week was good. We did have almost every appointment we had fall through though... A little disappointing, but with how things work here our appointments are always pretty tentative anyways so it wasn't that bad. We spent a lot of time trying to get creative with our contacting this week due to our lack of focus and also weird schedule. We've actually been working on a video as an ad for our English course which will be dank once we finish that up. Keep your eyes peeled on my Facebook for that one. It'll be a gem. Something else we briefly tried was finding a place to sit along the street and loudly studying Albanian together. This way, we are killing two birds with one stone. I get needed study, and curious people will ask us what the heck we're doing and why my Albanian is so bad. It's a good thing all around so we will definitely be doing more of that. (Dixon you're a pal thanks for the idea) I've also spent a good amount of time attempting to do some Facebook finding. I've made a few (sort of) friends here in Gjirokastër and I've been talking to them on Facebook messenger. It's a lot easier to talk in Albanian over messages which is nice, but if all goes well, we will be meeting in person, and that is what I'm nervous for haha. We're hoping to get some of these guys to our English course or just a regular meeting/lesson. Updates will come if there are any. 

Since most of our appointments fell through this week, there is not much to say on our current progressing friends. Our beloved solo member here in Gjirokastër (his name is Dritan and he's the best) is so dank. We see him often and he has decided that he does not care to call me Elder Millsap and just calls me Jakob (pronounced ya-kob). I think it's dank. Also, while I'm talking about it, I have new tags incoming titled "Elder Milli" since, turns out, Albanians can't say my name. I've gotten approval for this shortened one picked out by our good friend Nuriela (who we also didn't meet with this week sadly). We also didn't meet with Nora which was super sad, BUT we are planning on meeting with her tomorrow and actually setting a baptismal date with her which is SUPER dank. We are in desperate need of a closer community in our church group and more support from people other than the missionaries. Updates to come. 

Now for the title. Driving here is my favorite thing ever. It is literally so much fun. I found out I was cleared to drive last Monday, and I have been doing it every chance I get. Everyone drives like a maniac and it's awesome. I really do feel like a race car driver with all the crazy passing and things we have to do on these roads. Also roundabouts are hilarious. I'll have to take a good video of a roundabout in Tirana and share it with you all in the future for you to understand. Also speaking of driving, today we went on another great and beautiful adventure around our large area. This time, we decided to drive up the west coast between Sarandë and Vlorë. It was probably one of the most beautiful drives of my life. On one side you have these giant rocky mountains, and on the other side you have the coast and all these random beaches scattered throughout. I've never been able to see the ocean (or I guess the Mediterranean in this case) clearly from so high up before and it was amazing. Many pictures were taken for your enjoyment. We also received a dank referral from some of the Tirana sisters this week for a dude in Sarandë that wanted a book of Mormon, and we were able to meet him today and get him one! His name is Afeis and he wants to meet with us weekly and we are stoked for that. 

If you've made it to this point I suppose it's only fair that I explain that all the questions at the beginning are all different ways of asking "how are you". It's pretty ridiculous and it's fun to hear a new one basically every interaction. 

Anyways, love you all and God bless you! Keep in touch and keep on becoming awesome people!


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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...