Monday, January 30, 2023

There and Back Again

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a loooong while. Since coming to Tirana my emailing habits have gone downhill hard. Problem is, I usually don't have much to write about every week because I'd basically just say "oh yeah we had some meetings and we did some office work but we did have time to go finding on a couple days" haha. But, it's your lucky day because lots of shiz has actually been going down the last couple of weeks.

Elder Washburn and I got back to Albania this morning after being gone for 2 weeks. We missed it a lot to be honest haha. Albania is definitely the best of the 5 mission countries without a doubt. Anyways, we were in Cyprus and then Greece for zone conferences, but then Washburn and I stayed an extra week and some in Greece to do some investigation and work. Essentially, if I didn't share about this in my last email, we were sent to test out the Athens area for work for Albanian speaking missionaries. There are a ton of Albanian immigrants there so we just went out into the street and spoke Albanian to all of them haha it was super fun! The best part was that we just got to be regular missionaries finding in an area for the whole week and we actually had some decent success. We found a few potential friends that we handed off to the elders down there (they speak Greek too) and made one new friend named Gezim! He believes in 12 gods though hahaha but it was still a good lesson. He is curious to learn thought so that was fresh. We also experienced a super big miracle. We made a facebook page for the athens area in albanian just for this experiment we did and so we had our handy dandy tech guys boost some facebook ads for us on there for bible study and for the Book of Mormon. We had people texting us all week because of them, but the most promising of all was this awesome lady named Medona. She asked for a book of mormon so we arranged to meet her and give her one. Turns out, she's actually a member from albania! She was baptized in Vlore a long time ago but 4 years ago she moved to Athens and lost contact with the church. She had tried to find it there, but gave up after a while, until she saw our ad in Albanian for the Book of Mormon! We ended up setting up a meeting and going there with the Athens sisters. She speaks greek pretty well too so we had an awesome lesson and gave her a Book of Mormon in both languages. The sisters are gonna keep teaching her and her husband (who isn't a member!). Super cool to see God's hand in all this and how once we enter into the covenant relationship with Him, he will never abandon us. He will always give us an opportunity to come back into the fold and into his true church. 

Anyways, it's been a good experience. The travel is dope and because we've been all over in the south countries for 2 pdays we got to see some cool things! I'll just let you guys kinda surf through all of the photos. Love you guys! God loves you more though!

Tirana Week 5

Tirana Week 6

Tirana Week 7

Tirana Week 8

Monday, January 2, 2023


Howdy folks. I figured I owed you all an email from me seeing as the year just turned over. I'll also be seeing many of you again this year so I gotta start off on good terms. It's all conditional love.

Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Things have been pretty nuts over the course of December. Working in the office in Tirana is kinda mundane a lot of the time, but it is still pretty cool and there's a lot of benefits that outweigh the negatives. First off, we get to spend a lot of time around President and Sister Burdon which is actually so clutch. They're amazing. We are also in touch with a lot of missionaries around the mission on a regular basis which is way dope because we're always in the loop and tight with the homies even in different countries. It is fresh. We've also done a little travel and will be doing some more soon. We went up to Kosovo for a Christmas Conference a couple weeks back which was way cool because I've never made it up there. I got to see all my northern homies and enjoy the freezing cold weather and gheg dialect of albanian. The major and biggest con of being in this position though is that we never ever get to work in our area. It's so tough. We don't know members or friends or anything, but we are doing our best to try and do things. I can say though that this coming week we will have 0 time in our area hahaha because we're doing some exchanges and stuff but hey it's alright. 

Something that is super clutch about Tirana 2nd ward though is that I get to be around Martin again. Since he got baptized last February I basically haven't seen him, but now I get to see him basically on a weekly basis. He is such a dawg. Here's to hoping we can make time to actually meet with him and stuff in the future because hey, he is a recent convert after all hahaha (even though he's like the most converted person I've basically ever met). Anyways, moving on.

The holidays have been so fun though. The Burdons are way too nice to us and we've basically had days off to celebrate and party together in our districts and zones even since we're all so close together in the north zone. You can enjoy the pictures featured in the several posted weeks below. As per usual, Albanian New Years was freaking hype and the city was exploding around us as we stood on the roof of our apartment building. These guys know how to celebrate. Fr Fr The US needs to take some notes and remove all fireworks restrictions so that they can be as cool as Albania. 

That's all for now folks! Have a great year and see you all later!

Tirana Week 1

Tirana Week 2

Tirana Week 3

Tirana Week 4

The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...