Monday, July 18, 2022

Elder Perrine Used Explosion - Bye Bye Shower :((

Well, another week has gone by. Can't say I'm all that surprised at this point. Maybe if I had amnesia it would. Come to think of it life would probably be super exciting and fresh all the time with amnesia. Maybe not though I don't know a whole lot about amnesia gotta be honest. Maybe split personality disorder could be cool.

Yeah clearly I may be losing a little sanity but I'm still here enough to work so I call that a win. Speaking of work thats going decent. We finished our temple class which is dope. Now I can start doing some interviews which is one step further in getting these guys to the greatest place on the planet. When it comes to other work, we have been trying to work with and find new less actives because our old less actives are pretty active now hahaha. Guess we did a good job. We are also still working with Besnik and his family. I am getting excited for them because I think at the very least Besnik and his wife will get baptized together here in a few months. Pray that they will have the opportunity to come to church! As soon as they can consistently and do, they are ready for baptism. 

We had another exchange this week. The zone leaders decided to do a cool mega exchange thing where they split up going to Berat and also here, and then they split up our companionships too so Elder Gallagher went to Berat while we got Elder Perrine and Allred here with my good ol buddy and now ZL Elder Starr! Good exchange. Very good productive stuff went on. We even got to dump wheat grain off of a truck down into these big grates. Wild.

Flash forward to the next morning. Poor Elder Perrine wasn't feeling too good so he was up most of the night. As soon as 6:30 came he jumped right into the shower. About 30 minutes later I'm still kinda out of it (hard morning haha) and I just hear this massive crash and the sound of shattering glass. Going to investigate, I head over to the direction of the noise. Elder Allred had the same idea and checked to see if the mirror in the room I was in fell off or not. Background info about our bathroom: It is very small and the mirror in there is tiny. It is definitely the worst mirror in the house and it would be hard to even get that thing off the wall because its like bolted. My next guess was maybe he had somehow knocked the sink over because that was porcelain, but same problem there. There was no shot. Anyways, my tired brain decided he must have dropped the towel rack or something and instead of knocking to see if my boy Elder Perrine was okay I just shrugged it off. 2 minutes later the door opens and I just hear "you might want to see this". Well, I was wrong about the towel rack. The floor was completely covered in glass shards of all shapes and sizes. Our shower is one of those small ones that has the round glass wall around it. It has two sliding glass doors that meet and seal together in the middle. Apparently, when Elder Perrine went to open the doors after finishing his shower, one of them fell off its hinges and released a portion of its harnessed nuclear energy. The result was more shattered glass I've seen in one room maybe ever except for in movies haha. Anyways, thankfully I came to my senses and I very quickly asked him if he was okay and found that his feet were pretty wrecked from the glass. Not only did a lot probably fall on him, but he had to sweep the glass away with his feet to move across the room to the door and put his clothes on. I spent the next hour or so keeping the mood light and patching my boy up using our really sub par first aid kit. Elders Starr and Allred came in clutch and cleaned up a good amount of the mess in the meantime, but not before getting a good picture of the carnage. The picture really doesn't do it justice, but it's still pretty dope. Morale of the story: I need to get the missionary apartments some better first aid stuff. Also I need to work on my first responder skills. Probably should've gave a knock to check in. In my paranoid mind it could have been a lot worse and hit an artery or something and he could've been mostly unresponsive from shock. The locked door would've caused a problem too, so we are grateful God is looking out for us too. Since it all turned out well though, it makes a great story and something to laugh about with the guy. We are still trying to find a new shower door. 

Anyways thats about it. Went to a cool little waterfall today and did a barefoot hike. Felt nice until I made the wrong trail choice and walked into a bunch of goathead seeds. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Yall are dope. Jave te mbare merre lehte paqe jashte



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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...