Monday, June 27, 2022

Short again

Yes, sadly it's true. My likely one and only companion shorter than me has left. He is now bravely traveling the land of Durrës 40 minutes away. It is just so sad and I'm still getting over it. I'm just here with Elder Gallagher now, a piece of our trio brutally and violently taken from us. 

Other than that, honestly nothing super noteworthy has happened, hence why I didn't write an email last week. I hoped this week would be more eventful, but it kinda wasn't hahaha sooooo rip. Can't leave you guys hanging though so this is the show of my love for you. Anyways, it's been good. We've had some service, lots of little branch work tasks, temple prep lessons, and melting because it is quite hot here this time of year. I actually ended up buying some plane tickets for some people going to the temple so that was kinda cool.

The hope is to have more to report on in the near future. I'm wanting to find more time for finding new people to teach because sometimes in Lushnjë and specifically in this calling it's hard to feel like a missionary. It'd be nice to teach some regular missionary lessons to new friends again. Things are progressing well though. I've said it before, but it's very cool to be able to teach temple prep and get our members ready to go to the temple for the first time. I'm excited for the Mati family to get back later this week to see how it was for them. People making it to the temple to be sealed together forever is definitely the one of the end goals of missionary work like this!

On a side note, the girls who work at the grocery store across the street like me a little too much. We buy a lot of stuff from them and we're definitely their #1 customers. Anyways, I definitely made the mistake of telling one of them my first name and now every time I walk in I hear "Heeeej Jacoooob" in a uncomfortable Albanian flirty way. Oh well it was kinda worth it because I actually got them to give me one of their employee shirts so now I can walk around with this Iper Market polo and flex on all the other missionaries. It's kinda the ultimate Lushnjë trophy. 

OOOH I almost forgot but something noteworthy DID happen. Jehovahs Witnesses used to have a big proselyting presence here in Albania until about two years ago when there were some suicides tied to some people they were teaching in regards to trying to get resurrected... People hate them a lot now and they kinda stopped proselyting. It stinks though because everyone thinks they we are them so sometimes it's hard to get good first interactions with people. Anyways, THEYRE BACK IN LUSHNJE. We've seen them 3 or 4 times now with their stands on street corners handing out pamphlets. Based on some stories I've heard from returned missionaries, they may cause problems for us. Not to mention even more people will probably think we're them now that they're back out. Oh well. I said hi to one of them and he was cool. We'll just have to make sure everyone is getting the full restored truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and teach people how to receive answers to their prayers through the spirit and we shouldn't have any problem because God is clutch. 

We went to some dope ruins I haven't been to since last year today and then after went to the beach and made this really dope arch out of sand that I could crawl through. Good stuff.

That's all for these past two weeks. Hopefully there are some entertaining pictures/videos for you below :))

Lushnjë Week 17 photos

Lushnjë Week 18 photos 

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The End *accompanied by very little sleep and long plane rides*

This is indeed the end. The final email. I hope any of you have enjoyed reading some of these and seeing pictures from the amazing work out ...